Aroma Essentials- Oily/acne prone skin care Kit (Mini)-Review

In today’s world, it’s a nightmare for every girl or a boy who are in their teenage or in their early twenty’s to see pimples on their face !!  A study says many of the youngsters or teenagers today are more Apprehensive of having pimple free face or can say a clear face &  As a matter of frustration, we tend to try all that stuffs available over the counter or home medicine ending up with no or very little effect. This being my first post I thought of sharing my experience with the stubborn and painful pimples since my teenage. But after several years of my struggle and attempt. I finally found the product that could show some positive results on the pimples.  All thanks to my dear friend who suggested me Aroma Essentials.

Aroma Essentials was started by Mrs. Madhurima Ramakrishna who has experience in this field for more than 12+years and is based in Bangalore, Karnataka.

Aroma essentials Oily /Acne Prone skin care kit  When I contacted Mrs. Madhurima, I had to brief her about my skin problem as well as its nature. based on which she suggested me this Mini kit so as to check if it is effective on my skin or not (since my skin was sensitive with mild pimples and redness on my cheeks and yeah not to forget oily too).

This Kit consists of five items :

  1. Aroma Essentials Black Magic Mask
  2. Aroma Essential Neem face wash
  3. Aroma Essential Sebum control gel
  4. Aroma Essentials Clear Skin mask (Spot Treatment)
  5. Aroma Essential Carrot sun block with SPF 30


Aroma Essential Oily/Pimple Prone Skincare Kit (Mini)

Please note: All the products are having a shelf life of 6 months hence storing in the refrigerator is suggested. All their products are claimed to be preservative free and chemical free and not to forget they are dermatologically tested thus very safe.

Aroma Essentials Black Magic Mask– This is more of gel in consistency and has Pomegranate, Tea tree, Activated charcoal, Thyme, Petitgrain etc ingredients in it which are effective for combination skin with pimples.It claims to DETOXIFY  your skin and also assist in Collagen Repair.

Black Magic Mask

My take on it:  I have been using it twice a week after washing my face with their Neem face wash by applying it in a thin layer all over my face and then rinse with water after 10-15 minutes. My face feels more clean and fresh after using this mask which is a sure sign of it detoxifying my skin.

Aroma Essentials Neem face wash : Though it is called as a face wash it makes less lather when compared to our regular face washes which we find over the counters. this could be because of the product being chemical free, unlike our regular ones. It has a creamy consistency which quickly spreads to the entire face and It consists of Neem extracts, aloe vera, charcoal in it which are very effective for acne prone/oily skin. It also claims to cleanse the skin from DEEP-PORE  removing the bacterias from the pores.

Neem Face Wash

My take on it:  I have been using it daily twice (day & night) by slowly massaging it in the circular motion all over d face for few seconds and then rinse with water. As it claims it has kept my skin clean, Glowing and oil-free at least for 3-4 hours and definitely I could find the result from the day one.

Aroma Essentials Sebum control gel-This is purely a night gel specially created for a pimple prone skin. It has tea-tree oil, aloe vera, BHA as primary ingredients. It claims to remove BLEMISHES, bringing troubled skin back to clearer look and feel.

Sebum Control Gel

My Take on it: I have been using it as my daily night cream so I apply it before going to bed. it is effective when used on clean, fresh skin to get effective results. As my skin is oily I use only two-three drops of this gel and apply it all over my face. The surprising fact is that it does not make my skin oily or sticky after the application & It seeps into the skin quickly. The best part of the product is that I have come across very few break-outs after using this gel.

Aroma Essentials Clear Skin Mask (Spot Treatment)– It’s a thick sticky cream in consistency which is to be applied only on the pimples and not on the entire face. It consists of Zinc, Tea Tree oil, the Salicylic acid in it all which have Anti-Fungal and Anti-Bacterial Properties in it. this is used to dry out the existing pimples.

Clear Skin Mask (Spot Application)

My Take on it: I have been using it once in a week on clean, fresh skin and leave it about for 30 minutes and then rinse it. Yes, it dries out the pimples on regular usage and helps in controlling any new pimples appearing on the skin.

Aroma Essential carrot sunblock with SPF 30- It would be Summer or winter applying sunscreen is of utmost importance in order to avoid harsh rays let by the sun which directly affects our skin. Aroma essentials too have different sunblocks suitable for different skin types. The one I am using is the carrot sunblock. It consists of carrot oil, Mint, Lavender, Zinc oxide in it.

Carrot Sunblock SPF30

It claims to Protect the skin from harsh rays of the sun such as UV rays, reducing discoloration of the skin & slowing down the aging of the skin

My take on it-its a thick cream with a mild aroma in it which just lingers around my nose for sometime after applying it. I apply it 15 minutes ahead before going outdoor for better penetration and protection. Though the cream is thick it does not make my skin oily. it gives a matte finish and leaves no white patches on face after application which is the best part.

Overall review – No Harsh Chemicals or preservatives used in the products and the ingredients used are more natural hence very effective on the skin. My Skin Looks clearer and healthier these days. I would suggest it to all to give a try to this range to get rid of those stubborn pimples and regain a clearer skin and your confidence.

Yes!! I will re-purchase it and also would like to go for their other ranges too.

You can reach to  Mrs. Madhurima on-7760988272 or simply login to Facebook and search for Aroma essentials!!


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